Trager By Christine Holt

Imagine moving through your life feeling greater awareness in your body and mind, noticing where and when you are holding tension, releasing unnecessary effort, and enjoying more energy and ease as a result. Welcome to the world of Trager!

Christine brings a lifetime of exploring body/mind practices to her work as a Trager practitioner and massage therapist. As a lifelong dancer and longtime practitioner and teacher of yoga, meditation and mindfulness, she is continually fascinated and inspired by our capacity for healing and transformation through playfulness, curiosity, and awakening to our infinite potential for change. By providing a safe, welcoming space grounded in deep listening and kindness, Christine’s compassionate approach offers clients a place to reconnect with their most easeful self, with a focus on gentleness and acceptance through the process.

If you are interested in working with Christine, please call (917) 596-9700, send a message using the form in the contact section, or book a session here.


The Trager® Approach was developed and refined for over 50 years by Milton Trager, MD.

Based on the conviction that physical change follows a change of mind, Dr. Trager developed a unique and highly effective method that skillfully reaches the nervous system by addressing the body in singular ways.

Dr. Milton Trager recognized well before contemporary knowledge on neuroplasticity that new information introduced to areas in the unconscious mind, gently and with skill, activates positive neurological changes which improve movement patterns. He referred to his work as psychophysical integration.

Trager® Approach Practitioners work in a calm, cultivated, meditative state, what Dr. Trager called "hook-up." Using the language of touch and movement they promote sensory awareness and ease of movement. Trager® sessions include gentle bouncing, stroking, elongations and a variety of playful body movements received in a calming, pleasurable atmosphere. Cumulative in nature, this work promotes ease, physical mobility, and a renewed lasting awareness of agelessness.

A mental, emotional and physical education, Trager® sends clients into the world with the physical efficiency and coordination that leads to effortless movement. Milton Trager called this feeling a place beyond relaxation, a place of peace.


Trager® sessions are designed to be both extremely pleasant and effective.

The effects are both cumulative and accelerate with each visit. Sessions are generally 60-90 minutes long. Time and frequency of sessions are tailored according to clients’ particular needs. 

Sessions usually include an interview, assessment, and movement. Clients wear loose clothing or can be unclothed down to their underwear. After sessions, practitioners offer individualized movement suggestions to expand upon the positive effects of the work.


The Trager® Approach has benefited people with conditions such as pain, stress, injuries, and neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s disease.

Some of the conditions that can improve with Trager® are:


limited movement

back pain


multiple sclerosis

post-polio syndrome


carpal tunnel syndrome

muscle spasms


cerebral palsy

Parkinson’s disease


back and neck pain





Christine Holt

(917) 596-9700

If you are interested in working with Christine, please call or send a message using the form below, or book a session here.