Anne Shaddick’s Mentastics Class
Marva Sletten’s Mentastics Class
David Haines’ Mentastics Class
Kirsten Mowrey's Exploring Grief
Kirsten Mowrey's Mentastics Class
Linda MacConnell's Mentastics Class
Anne Galbraith Robbins' Mentastics Class
Ilene Watrous
Roger Hughes' Mentastics Class - 2
Ruth Alpert Mentastics
Roger Hughes' Mentastics Class
Judy Fasone Mentastics
Mark Bauman's and Fawn Christianson's Mentastics Class
Nurses... feeling overloaded and overwhelmed? Try this…
Video by Judy Fasone
A way to manage Fear, re-center and re-focus yourself
Video by Amrita Daigle
Relief for shoulder and neck pain from sewing face masks
Video by Tracey Eno
#tragerforneckpain #tragerforshoulderpain