Course Info:
Date: Sunday, May 5, 2019 • 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: 1330C Lake Shore Drive, Columbus OH 43202
Supervised Practice Leader: Judy Fasone
Cost: $65 per person
Pre-reqs: Must have at least the Level One or Mentastics 3 day class, and be a member of the US Trager Association (or the intention of rejoining)
I LOVE NECKS!! This is an area that needs the gentles of care and attention...
As a tutor, I have had many requests for more information on head and neck, and I want to say this is my favorite part of the body. As I learned to let go of ancient patterns of holding in my own neck, my hands became softer and open as well. No more gripping or tugging. Less is definitely more when it comes to this vulnerable part of the body. Adding a touch of Reflex Response (for each individual, at your level of learning) will give a completely new repertoire to your practice.
Come and play with your colleagues, and together we will take a closer look at the standards of our practice. Remember Chapter 2 of the Trager Handbook? It has a wealth of information that will re-fresh and re-mind you of long lost pieces of information that could reinvigorate your current sessions. You may want to re-read them, before you come. Page 2-12.2 has a Self Assessment form that was used in your training program. Please take some time to prepare for this day, as we deepen into ourTrager confidence!
A note to students in the program: a Supervised Practice Day may take the place of one practice tutorial in between Level 1-2, or 2-3. Let me know if that is your intention, when you register so I can prepare the necessary tutorial forms. If you would like to receive a session from me on Friday May 4th, I am reserving that day for student sessions and tutorials. Sessions are $85 per 1.5 hour session. Tutorials are $125/ 2 hours.
Please confirm your intent to participate by email and then register by sending a check to:
Judy Fasone
1330C Lake Shore Dr.
Columbus, Ohio, 43202
or use PAYPAL: email to
$65 per person must be paid before the day of the class.
Some local housing may be available, on a first come, first serve basis.