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Course Info:
Level I Training – With Amrita Daigle
08/10/2019 - 08/15/2019
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Amrita works in the field of somatic education since 40 years. She has been a yoga and a massage teacher before becoming a TRAGER® Practitioner in 1983. She has studied with Milton Trager over a period of 15 years and is a TRAGER International Instructor since 1991. She offers a joyful and creative pedagogy, where clarity and precision are highlighted. While teaching, she naturally blends the information in a flow that creates a learning environment facilitating global integration. Amrita has taught the TRAGER Approach in Québec, Canada, the United States, France, Spain, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and Israel.
Tuition of this training is in CAN dollars, great rate advantage for people coming from Europe and the USA. $ 50 CAN discount if total amount paid by June 28th. Kindly register as soon as possible and before June 28th, for logistical reasons. Some inexpensive accommodation may be available.
Contact Info:
To register, please contact Nadine Feldman at:
Nadine Feldman
(416) 406-0836
A unique, neuromuscular approach to body and movement re-patterning.
This stand alone CE course also serves as a first step towards Certification in the Trager® Approach. You’ll experience and explore both Table-work and Movement Mentastics through demonstrations and supervised practice. Trager® is a valuable approach for anyone who wants to elevate awareness in themselves and their clients.
Trager® tablework consists of deep, fluid rocking movements (oscillations) of muscles and joints combined with compression and gentle traction. This feeds into the nervous system resulting in dramatic muscular relaxation, along with feelings of lightness, freedom, and flexibility. The client is also shown simple movements called Mentastics which helps integrate the profound changes in the body.
Achieve better results with less strain.
Effect changes in Fascia, Joints, and fluids.
Go from muscle release to muscle re-patterning.
Facilitate Central Nervous System Re-Integration.
Develop Greater Compassion, Mindfulness and Presence.
The following beneficial effects have been reported, however Trager is not a substitute for traditional medical care:
Improved balance and decreased spasticity
Dissolution of internalized effects of trauma in the body
Greater ease and joy of movement with decrease of pain
Deeper feelings of personal integration and peace and decreased anxiety
By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:
Demonstrate refined palpation skills within a whole body sequence
Work with greater ease, effectiveness, and mindful attention with Trager and other related modalities.
Demonstrate use of Trager Principles in movement and table work to significant effect for most areas of the body.
Effect deep relaxation and central nervous system regulation in the receiver.