Deane Juhan’s The Gamma Motor System

The Basis for Muscular Intelligence

Although he could not articulate it, the gamma motor system is a large part of what Milton meant by the unconscious mind which must be reached if lasting change in dysfunctional movement patterns is going to occur.

In its neruo-anatomy, it consists of the muscle spindles, the Golgi tendon organs, and their millions of reflex connective arcs throughout the brain and the spinal cord.

Without the neural guidance of the gamma system you could never have taken your first breath, never have achieved you first swallow. All movement of any kind is orchestrated by this elaborate system of motor control. It is at the basis of all skill acquisition and the habituation of all restrictive patterns.

Feeling it in action and negotiating with its operations through our sensitive Hook-Up and our gentle coaxing movements is one of the primary keys to Trager's successful intervention with restrictive patterns of mind and of movement, both in table work and in Mentastics.

Astonishingly, the literature around the gamma system is rather sparse. During this class Deane Juhan presents his own understanding of its functions and significance, gleaned through over 40 years of study, practice and observation.