Trager® Conference 2019 / About / Register / Panelists / BREAKOUT SESSIONS
Register for the Trager® Conference and Seminars 2019
Please your registration below for the Trager International and U.S. Trager Association Seminars and Conferences to be held at Pearlstone Conference Center in Reistertown, MD. during September of 2019.
Registration Form
Please complete and submit the following registration form and after submitting it select from the 10 registration options below. Please read the descriptions thoroughly to be sure you are registering for the correct event(s). Under each description you will find a PayPal button to pay your chosen registration option fee via credit card.
Should you prefer to pay by check or money order, please send your payment, made payable to USTA, to the address listed below:
3755 Attucks Drive, Powell, Ohio 43065
Once your payment has been received, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your completed registration.
Registration Options
Option #1
9/9/19 – 9/12/19
Trager International Tutor Trainee Seminar*
Gail Stewart, Seminar Leader
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
*Please contact for information about prerequisites
Option #2
9/11/19 – 9/14/19
Trager International Tutor Teacher Conference
Roger Tolle, Instructor
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Option #3
9/13/19 – 9/15/19
USTA National Conference
Various Instructors
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Triple Occupancy or Dorm Style as available: $550 (includes guest room, sales/ occupancy taxes for two nights, meals, snacks, and $200 registration)
Trager® Student rates
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Triple Occupancy or Dorm Style as available: $400 (includes guest room, sales/ occupancy taxes for two nights, meals, snacks, and $200 registration)
Option #4
9/9/19 – 9/14/19
Trager International Tutor Trainee Seminar* and Tutor Teacher Conference
Gail Stewart, Seminar Leader and Roger Tolle, Instructor
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Option #5
9/11/19 – 9/15/19
Trager International Tutor Teacher Conference and USTA Annual Conference
Roger Tolle, Instructor and Various Instructors
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Option #6
9/9/19 – 9/15/19
Trager International Tutor Trainee Seminar*, Trager International Tutor Teacher Conference, and USTA Annual Conference
Gail Stewart, Seminar Leader; Roger Tolle, Instructor; and Various Instructors
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Option #7
9/15/19 – 9/16/19
USTA National Post-Conference
Gerry Leisman, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Triple Occupancy or Dorm-style Room (as available): $300.00 (includes guest room, sales/occupancy taxes for one night, meals, snacks, and $175 registration)
Option #8
9/13/19 – 9/16/19
USTA Annual Conference, USTA National Post-Conference
Various Instructors and Gerry Leisman, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Triple Occupancy or Dorm-style Room (as available): $850.00 (includes guest room, sales/occupancy taxes for three nights, meals, snacks, and $375 registration)
Option #9
9/11/19 – 9/16/19
Trager International Tutor Teacher Conference, USTA Annual Conference, and USTA National Post-Conference
Roger Tolle, Instructor; Various Instructors: and Gerry Leisman, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.
Option #10
9/9/19 – 9/16/19
Trager International Tutor Trainee Seminar*, Trager International Tutor Teacher Conference, USTA Annual Conference, and USTA National Post-Conference
Gail Stewart, Seminar Leader; Roger Tolle, Instructor; Various Instructors; and Gerry Leisman, M.D., Ph.D., Instructor
Single Occupancy Room and Double Occupancy Room are not available at this time.