Trager International Online Education Conference

Susan Harper.jpg

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Pacific) / 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Eastern) 

In this three-hour online event, Susan Harper will share with the Trager community her expanded perspectives on perception and how they affect our connection with ourselves, our self-development, and our clients. The event includes presentation, guided somatic sensory explorations, time to turn inward for deeper self-exploration, break-out groups, and time for consolidating discussions.

Susan Harper opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She teaches the art of perceiving and how to come to experiential insights from embodied moving inquiry. Susan joined Emilie Conrad (the founder of Continuum), in 1975 to study, and became a partner in developing the work and its organization until 2002. She continues to develop Continuum Inquiry and teach internationally. Susan had the great good fortune to receive two sessions from Milton Trager in the early 1980s and taught many Trager Practitioners in Continuum events where we shared many core values.