Anna Marie Bowers' New Blog


In case anyone is wondering what I have been doing since August, I am happy to announce the launch of my new blog:

This project is part of a Blog Your Way to a Book in a Year workshop. The concept is to share personal experiences that include Mentastics® movements that can be done in a minute or less as part of regular daily routines. The blog posts are shorter and will read in a minute or just a little bit over.

You are invited to go to the blog and check it out - like it - follow it - share the information far and wide.

I am using WordPress - and I have set it so that if you don't have a WordPress account you should be able to follow by submitting your email address. Don't worry it just goes to their stats about my Blog. If you have trouble following or liking, you can email me at .

I am posting Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time, so you can read a new post every Monday morning.

Thanks for your support.

Anna Marie