Judy Fasone



1330 C Lake Shore Dr, Columbus,OH 43204

Judy Fasone is an RN, Somatic Educator and Therapist, Certified Trager Practitioner, Tutor, Elective Teacher and Instructor, Board Certified Health and Wellness Nurse Coach and Advanced Holistic Nurse.

Weaving Trager Mentastics, Reflex Response and tablework, I empower my clients and students to use their internal and external awareness, integrating the body, mind and natural environment for self-healing and wellbeing. The coaching training I have accentuates the possibilities, and I use self-assessments and offer resources based on functional medicine to look in depth at cellular functioning such as sleep and nutrition if the client requests.

I am currently fascinated with the psychophysical aspect of the work, having experienced the contagion of release in my own body as a client allows unconscious memories and sensations to surface. The client and I use this information together to release holding patterns. Reflex response informs every session and every class I teach.

I would love to travel more to teach in 2025. Please contact me if you are interested, 2 Day Intros, Mentastics: Somatic foundations of the Trager Approach(3 days), All levels.

"There is nothing more important than you feeling your best and enjoying this chance at life!"

www.judyfasone.com | judyfasone@gmail.com