Letter from the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America: 2020 Annual Conference


What can Feldenkrais® do for you?

We are excited to announce the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America 2020 annual conference which will be held online September 11-13, 2020! This year we are bringing the world our workshops online. We invite you and your organizations to join us. This is a new time for all of us and we look forward to sharing the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education through the worldwide internet.

Agenda highlights include:

EXPERIENCE Keynote Speaker - Rollin McCraty Ph.D., Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute

DIVE INTO Workshops - Discover how Feldenkrais® can help Contemplative Practice, Pain Relief, Martial Arts practice and so much more. Over 16 sessions to choose from.

ENJOY 6 morning Awareness Through Movement® classes taught by world-class teachers.

Many workshops are open to the public and recordings will be included in your conference fee!

For more information, CLICK HERE! Please also visit our website at https://feldenkrais.com/2020-conference/.

You do not want to miss this very affordable learning opportunity!


Nancy Haller, Feldenkrais Guild® of North America President