Foundations of the Trager Approach Class

Photo from Roger Tolle's Mentastics Class - FEB 2020.jpg

A “Foundations of the Trager Approach”  Mentastics training in Burlington, Vermont, given by Roger Tolle and sponsored by Laura Lynn Giubardo, proved to be a rich, inspiring, and fun three days for the seventeen of us who gathered together to share and explore Mentastics as self-care and as an aid in teaching/supporting  clients with their self-discovery through movement awareness as a healing tool to feeling ease and aliveness in the body.

The theme/inquiry, “What does my body want right now?”, brought a deepening of ways to recall and practice healthy movement.

We left feeling grateful for the uplifting presence of Trager principles and each other!

Thank you, Roger Tolle!

Stephani-lila Murdoch