In Remembrance of Walter Graf

Walter Graf Sandra Yanover Mergosso 2006.jpg

Walter Graf

June 15th 1926 – August 3rd 2020

Written by: Judith Arlt (secretary of Trager Association Switzerland)

 “I never met Walter. I only knew him from his Trager file I digitized last summer. What do his documents tell?

It seems to me that Walter Graf was a very versatile and dedicated human being most notably in the world of Trager! In October 1991 he started his Trager education with Gail Stewart in Zürich and completed it as a certified practitioner in June 1992. He was one of the founder members of the Trager Association Switzerland in 1995 and the president until 1997. Walter was also the initiator and the editor of the European “TragerNews” from 1995 until 2007.

Already in 1993 he worked voluntarily as a delegate of the European Trager community in the ETRC (European Trager Representative Committee).  When the Trager Institute reorganized, Walter became the first secretary 2001-2002 of Trager International and served with the CoT (Committee of Trusties) where Walter was the TVS representative to TI until 2006.  He was the TI parliamentarian, keeping TI focused on their Bylaws and procedures which was an appreciated role.

Since 1997 Walter was also a Tutor and active as a member of the educational committee for 5 years (2003-2007). As the initiator of the Swiss Trackrecords in 2002 which I still use in form of an Access database Walter did the support and made the administration of our members from 2005-2008.
In March 2002 Walter got the honorary membership in the Trager Association Switzerland which he kept until his death on the 3rd of August.

To me it looks as though Walter Graf had a fascinating, eventful and fulfilling life – I’d have liked to get to know him.”