Monthly Dues Payments Now Available!

Dear USTA Member,

You can now renew your membership in USTA for the 2020 membership year and pay in monthly installments instead of paying for the entire year at once!

Renew Early to Save:

Although we encourage you to renew your membership dues in USTA today, you have until March 31, 2020 to renew without incurring a late fee. For anyone who has not renewed their 2020 membership by then, a $50 late fee will be applied to your membership dues beginning on April 1, 2020.

Student Members:

Student Members are not eligible for monthly payments due to their annual renewal amount (after the initial two years) is only $50. If you are a Student Member and would like to know when your membership dues are up for renewal, please contact me via email.

To take advantage of the monthly auto-payments, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Hover your mouse over the 'ABOUT TRAGER' tab at the top of the page and click on 'MEMBERS ONLY' from the drop-down menu

  3. Type in miltontrager as the password to the Members Only Section and click on the arrow button

  4. Scroll down and click on the blue button titled 'RENEW HERE’

  5. Click on the ‘RENEWAL’ blue box and then click on ‘here’ in the sentence that reads: To renew by subscription please click here.

  6. From there, the online dues renewal form will appear on your screen where you simply type in your Name, Email, select your Region from the drop-down menu, answer the question about Requirements, answer the question about needing an Extension, check that you are not a robot, then click on the ‘SUBMIT' button where you will be taken to a new page.

  7. Select the appropriate membership level from the drop-down menu and click on the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button.

  8. On this page, you will have two options; to either subscribe to the monthly payments or to log into an existing PayPal account. Select which option makes sense for you, then follow the prompts. Your monthly payment will be auto-deducted from your credit card each month on the date in which you subscribe (i.e. if you subscribe on March 25th, your auto-payments will happen on the 25th of each month thereafter).

We look forward to your continued membership in USTA!


Renae Davies, Executive Director