President's Message - July 2020
Happy Hot Summer!
How is the weather where you are? It is hot and sticky here in New England, so I can only imagine how tough it may be south of me! I hope you are finding creative ways to stay comfortable.
Last month I wrote about the wonderful ripples that have happened from our cozy mentastics gatherings we’ve been doing as a community since March. We all have been building confidence to share our movement practices with others. This is the most important thing we can do is to share, share, share!
We are growing in our learning about our online presence. Who knew that 4 months ago how much we’d be getting on our computers and able to see our Trager friends from all over the world! We have a long way to go but we have pushed our edges for sure!
Please make sure to keep an eye out for all the wonderful classes coming up online!
Linda MacConnell
USTA President