President's Message - March 2020


This sure is an interesting time. I hope you are all doing well through this viral storm. I am trying to keep busy with projects that have been neglected for years, like clearing out the basement so that we can use these spaces differently, because things will be very different on the other end of this. I won’t pretend that I know what will be different, but I know that this has completely disrupted a pattern for me. It's too soon for me to assess the positives and the negatives, but this is where we are. There is always a new space that is created when one is closed off, so I am interested in this process, and very curious!

I am going to keep reminding myself to think of this as a pause, a deeper, longer than I am comfortable with, PAUSE. A check in, and I will keep asking the questions that Milton so innocently and brilliantly asked himself… Well, how do I feel? How could it be? How can I be gentle with myself when I feel I am supposed to be doing something else, something “more” productive?

Also, to keep connected and supported, we will continue to hold a zoom call on Fridays at 1pm. (Please note the time change from the first one, we wanted to accommodate the west coast with a later time.) Renae will be sending out another email as a reminder as we get closer to Friday. The first one was wonderful, even just to see familiar smiling faces, or hear friendly voices. Thank you all who joined us, I hope to see you at the next one!

Be well,

Linda MacConnell, USTA President