President's Message - November 2021

Written by Joe Rodin


I hope this letter finds everyone doing well during this transition to shorter days. We have good news to report.

First, a comprehensive strategic plan for TI has been approved which will benefit USTA and all NA’s, taking us efficiently into a new era.

Second, we have burgeoning growth to report with 19 students who’ve both completed level 1 and committed to full Trager Certification in their respective Washington State and Maryland trainings.

An upcoming tutor training seminar will commence in 2022 to bring a new generation of tutors forward, and we have new instructor trainee’s inline to nurture Trager into the world.

For 2022, expect some additional classes that come with membership including Trauma Informed Touch with Adrienne Stone, and the seasoned wisdom of Gail Stewart.

Additionally, there will be Mentastics Offerings for members as well.

Thank you for your support of USTA as we find our way into a more potent and efficient operation.

Much thanks,

Joe Rodin

Interim President