Tragerology Update from Eileen Dickinson

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Written by: Eileen Dickinson

Do you know that a bit more knowledge about pain provides educational analgesia, and that for people with chronic pain education is more effective than medication?

Nociception is the Tragerology topic of exploration for February. I am excited to bring to the Trager community what I know from studying with David Butler and his team ( The cutting edge of pain science is so far ahead of what the general public (and many medical professionals) know about pain. Since many of our clients come to us in pain, it is essential that we have an updated understanding of pain.

The Tragerology learning community is in full swing and we are settling in to a nice rhythm. The platform is fluid and able respond to needs as they arise. Now that we are all more accustomed to Zoom, and online learning in general, the logistics are smooth and the feeling quality is wonderful.

We have 2 meetings each month. The first meeting is an exploration of the topic with science presented in a way that is digestible, followed by Mentastics around the theme, and break out groups for further application and practice. There are additional resources available for those who are interested, including ways to integrate new information into personal Mentastics practice, as well as additional readings/videos.

The second meeting is for sharing insights and curiosities, questions and discussion. Because members are applying what they learn, this is a rich discussion. Some members of Tragerology are even continuing conversations amongst themselves after the live gatherings.

I’d love for you to consider joining. If you haven’t already been to, check out what you’ve been missing. The most beneficial option is to become a member, as this allows access to all the resources, including edited replays of all the live Zooms. Whenever you join you automatically have access to previous recordings (to date this includes Play, Pause, Pleasure, and Recall).

I look forward to hearing from you.

Eileen Dickinson