Tragerology, a Continuous Online Learning Community

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Tragerology, a continuous online learning community, is a new and exciting offering for the Trager community. Each month there is a new module/topic for exploring the bridge between science and Trager. If you haven’t yet visited please do, and see what your colleagues are already experiencing.

October’s module is PLAY. We have already had the main Zoom session, which included theory led by Eileen Dickinson, and Mentastics led by Roger Tolle. We learned about what play does for our brain, our movement, and our life. There is a live questions/answer/discussion session on October 19th for members. Members also have access to the Zoom replay, edited for easy viewing by Amrita Daigle, along suggestions for homeplay (homework) so you will integrate what you learn. And for those who have the time and inclination there is a list of additional resources, such as topical books, articles, and webpages. It is not too late to join as a member, as you will have access to all these resources immediately.

The theme for November is PAUSE.  We will look at how pauses punctuate and potentize our work. You will learn a bit of neuroscience supporting more frequent and longer pauses. And you will be able to speak about pausing, without apology, as well as with specific language with your clients.

There is still room for you to join. Visit and sign up for this one module, or as a member for continued learning and support.

Feel free to contact me at if you have questions.

Eileen Dickinson