Tragerology: Exploring the Bridge Between Science and Trager®

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Wrtitten by: Eileen Dickinson

Milton Trager was ahead of the scientific community when he developed and taught his approach. Science now is revealing what Milton knew intuitively! As science has evolved, our understanding of, and language about his (and now our) work, also needs to reflect what is now known.

Being curious about the scientific underpinnings of The Trager® Approach is something I enjoy. And teaching about what I learn is exciting. Since “retiring” from Physical Therapy in November 2019, and since the pandemic prevented me seeing my Trager clients, I’ve begun to devote more time to researching and teaching about this work that captured my attention more than two decades ago.

You may have participated in the first fruits of this through Movement Matters Mondays hosted by the USTA in May and June. Roger Tolle and I provided three themed explorations of theory and Mentastics. Topics included neuroception, interoception, and proprioception. The many positive comments encouraged us, and feedback about the format helped us find a rhythm and style that is even more effective.

We are now offering this learning format via, an online membership platform. Participants are able to sign up for individual monthly modules by topic, or to join the full membership for a more consistent learning process. You are free to choose which works best for you.

Membership gives you lots of support beyond the main feature of monthly live Zoom webinars including: a mid-month Zoom Q and A; a private Facebook group for sharing discussions, insights, and questions with your peers; access to Zoom replays; home-play suggestions for daily integration; and additional readings and resources.

While you are welcome to participate at the level that feels right for you, my wish is to have a core learning community committed to advancing our work in the world by understanding and being able to speak about Trager with current, accurate and inspiring language.

Check out details at The first module starts October 5 where we will be investigating PLAY. Come have some fun with us!

I look forward to hearing from you. If you have questions feel free to contact me at