PART 2 - Where Peace Within Intersects with Social Justice: How Trager can Contribute


Dear beloved Trager and racial justice community,

For those of you who joined us on February 28th for our Trager and racial justice dialogue, thank you so much for your attendance and contribution. It was clear from everyone who attended that we all had one thing in common: we all want to learn about the important issue of racial justice and figure out how we can do so with members of our Trager community.

We know that this is not a sprint, it is a marathon and we are grateful for a community that understands this and is committed.

Thank you also to the people on this Email who couldn't attend on Feb 28th, but wanted to.

Please save the date for our next dialogue on Sunday, March 28th from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. The Zoom link is below.

Topic: Trager and Racial Justice, Part 2

Time: Mar 28, 2021, at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

In this second meeting, we hope to establish the next steps as a community regarding what format we want to use moving forward. More specifically, do we want to do a book club studying one book? Do we want to watch interviews with racial justice educators and discuss them? Maybe you have your own suggestion? Please consider what format you would like to utilize moving forward and let us know at this next meeting.

We plan on closing the group after this second meeting so that we can establish trust within our group moving forward.

We also plan to write a follow-up article for Trager Talk and get it out by the end of next week in order to share insights that we've gleaned from our first group dialogue on Feb 28 and to get the word out to people who would still like to join in. Please know that any and all things we share in our upcoming article will be done with anonymity, no names will be named nor will any personal information be shared.

Thank you again for making a commitment to doing this work alongside Judy and me.   

Please contact Judy Fasone at or myself at for more information.


Jenny Xie