Archived DVDs for Sale

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Own a bit of our history!

Buy a DVD of Milton doing tablework!

Over the last two months, many of you took advantage of the preliminary work that the Archive Video Task Force is doing by watching one video of Milton working.

The feedback that I got from this was encouraging, people found it inspiring.  We received comments like:

“I watched it once right away, and plan to review again.  It has inspired my work.  I think those of us who never were present with him in a class will find it particularly profound.”

“This is an amazing gift - and very, very helpful as a reminder. Great that this is now available as a reminder, as an inspiration!

I look forward to see more of Milton at work! So the purity of his vision, his work can stay alive!”

The Archive Video Task Force is continuing to review and catalogue these historic videos.  Our eventual intention is to have sections that can be publicly shared on websites and in presentations.

In the meantime, remember that there are already 6 DVDs of Milton Trager working that have been ‘sweetened’, color corrected and audio enhanced.  Each has a different person and issue that Milton is working on, so each has a glimpse into how versatile Milton was, how responsive he was to that person.

CLICK HERE to place your order for one of our many DVDs!

If you are interested in participating in the work of the Task Force, please contact me at

Chris Bruels

Project Coordinator