May 2020

USTA Virtual Classes Online

As you know, USTA has been extremely busy with providing virtual classes each week. From our weekly Mentastics Classes that have been held every Friday for the past two months to Deane Juhan’s Job’s Body Study Group to Eileen Dickinson’s and Roger Tolle’s Movement Matters Mondays series, we are continually…

Safe as Possible: Practicing Professionally in a CoVid world

Holistic therapies appeal to clients who want to care for their whole selves, in the least invasive ways, toward their goals of health and well being. With the advent of SARS-CoV-2 (the scientific name for coronavirus or CoVid-19) into our populations, all healthcare professionals are reviewing their protocols to decrease the likelihood of transmission. To my mind, this includes…

Choosing Optimism

I read the magazine Resurgence & Ecologist regularly. It is published in the UK and is worth getting a hard copy. Contributors include Satish Kumar, Vandana Shiva, Christiana Fugueres , and Bill McKibbon to name a few. I read it from cover to cover, every other month, hungry for new ideas and solutions for our current state of environment and social…