President's Message - May 2020


How are you doing? Are you finding the ease and abundance of free time that may be available to you now? I know that everyone is not able to slow down in the same way. Some people are more busy than ever. All I can hope is that each person in this world has little moments to breathe, sink into their weight, notice a gentle movement of their hand while working, feel the ground that holds them upright and to have a moment to BE, however their schedules look like right now.

Maybe you feel antsy or anxious to get back to “doing” something, I certainly feel it creep up! I have noticed it more than ever, in fact. I can imagine that many people are feeling this way as well. I am also very grateful that I have some tricks under my sleeve to help bring me back to the preciousness of NOW. I have been starting my days with it when I go for a walk! Everyday is different, I let my body guide me in the direction of focus. Some days I spend the entire walk focused on how my feet land on the ground, and sometimes I move around to all different body areas.

I listen. What sensations do I feel? What feels good? Oh, I remember that left hip used to hurt and now it feels softer! Or today, my left Vastus Lateralis was starting to ache, and I noticed that my knee wanted to feel more bounce. Hmmm, so I played with that possibility... and then I felt a softening in my hip joint, and the thigh muscle eased and the ache went away. Sometimes, when I play with the previous mentioned foot landing, it will also make a noticeable change. It’s never the same, and always fun to explore.

I hope that you can allow yourself even small bits of “time for yourself” that really mean, TIME FOR YOURSELF, not just time alone. We all have a relationship to build with ourselves and we are worth getting to know! For me, my favorite time to explore this right now is my walks, I play Trager Mentastics the entire way. I encourage you to keep finding your own path of self love and stay well and healthy!

Virtual HUG!

Linda MacConnell, USTA President