USTA Virtual Classes Online Added


As you know, USTA has been extremely busy with providing virtual classes each week. From our weekly Mentastics Classes that have been held every Friday for the past several months to our virtual classes conducted by Deane Juhan, Eileen Dickinson, Roger Tolle, and Michael Lear, we are continually adding more virtual classes to you during this time.

Our Friday Mentastics classes have been added to the USTA website and several Trager Practitioners have created Self-Care videos for your viewing pleasure! There are also additional videos that have been added to the Members Only Section, so be sure to log in and check out those videos as well.

CLICK HERE to watch past Virtual Classes and Self-Care videos!

In addition to the virtual classes and other videos that have been added to the homepage of the USTA website for the public to view, we have also been busy adding virtual classes and other videos to our Members Only Section. Once logged in, go to the “Trager Video Library” and click on the “Virtual Classes” button to watch these videos. One video in particular that we would like to mention is the video titled “Leading Mentastics” where Joe Rodin interviews Roger Hughes and Richard Mack to find out how other Trager Members can lead virtual Mentastics Classes themselves, so be sure to check it out!

CLICK HERE to log into the Members Only Section!