Exciting New USTA Member Benefits

Fernando Rojas' Design - The US Trager Association Logo.png


We have a new USTA membership benefit - a “voucher” which members can use this year at specific classes! These voucher classes are generous gifts from Instructors and others who have offered to teach a class day (or part of a day) for free or for a reduced fee.

We wanted you to know about the first class accepting this “voucher”! Practitioners and Students who have already taken three days of Mentastics® can take advantage of a $150 discount for:

Mentastics® with Roger Tolle (Laura Lynn Giubardo assisting)

  • Burlington VT, Feb 21 - 23, 2020

  • More information is at the bottom of the email 

Other members have also volunteered to teach voucher classes, and we’ll let you know details once the classes are scheduled. We’re all working to imbue USTA membership with significant value!


The USTA Board is excited about changes we’re making and member benefits we’re offering. We've agreed recently to reduce Student dues drastically - from $140 per year to $100 paid with Level 1 to cover two years of membership (and $50 annually after that)! Students renewing this year will only pay $50 dues!


Have you looked into another member benefit, the free website available to each Practitioner? You’ll only need to provide basic information about yourself for this option. You can find out more about this on the Members Only page of the USTA website (located under the “Discover Trager” tab).



Also on the Members Only page, Practitioners can view videos of former Instructor Gary Brownlee working with a client with Parkinson's. The password to view these videos is practitioner.


USTA is now able to provide Trager Practitioners with the option to purchase a professional liability insurance policy for their Trager Practice for only $99 per year. Only those Trager Practitioners who practice in states that do not also require you to be a Massage Therapist are eligible for this new policy. This policy provides coverage up to $2,000,000 per claim with a $6,000,000 aggregate.

If you would like to apply for this new professional liability insurance policy, please email Renae Davies at exec@tragerus.org. Only current, paid Trager Practitioner members are eligible, so be sure that you have renewed your 2020 membership.

We have more ideas for growing the Trager® community, so stay tuned for more!

$150 “Voucher" Discount in February:

There is a $150 “voucher” discount for Practitioner and Student members who have already taken the class.

Mentastics with Roger Tolle, Instructor, and Laura Lynn Giubardo, Assistant

  • February 21 - 23, 2020

  • Burlington, Vermont

  • Cost: $495 ($345 with voucher discount)

  • 24 NCBTMB CEUs

  • Contact Laura Lynn Giubardo by email at llgiubardo@gmail.com or by phone at 808-268-5294 for information about the class and/or affordable housing options

Class Content

Day 1: Gravity and Levity - Explore and Apply Sensory Presence, Feel Suspension, Feel Weight, Find and Facilitate Freedom

Day 2: Fascia and Fluids - Listening to the Liquid Body - Sustain Curiosity, Take Out the Slack, Feel for Fluidity, Wash Out the Fascial Sweater

Day 3: Intake to Integration in Context of Mind/Body Medicine - Listen to the Unconscious, Work with Imagery, Reframe Client Expectations, Manage Symptoms with Movement Education