Have You Heard About Tragerolgy?

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Written by: Eileen Dickinson

This new and ongoing learning community was designed with you in mind.

Do any of these sound like you? You want to talk about Trager with more confidence when you are asked about what you do. You want to have several intriguing comebacks when someone asks you about the benefits of Trager. You are confident about your touch but aren’t quite able explain in contemporary and science-based language. Even with your clients, you often struggle for words that would bring them clearer understanding about the health value of what they felt.

Or perhaps questions like these are on your mind:

  • What does Trager do besides relaxation?

  • What exactly is neuroplasticity?

  • How does being playful or pausing specifically enhance the Trager experience?

  • Why is it important for clients to not just “check out” during a session?

  • How can I emphasize the pleasure of a session and have it not interpreted as sexual pleasure?

I’ve had these (and many other) questions myself, and I hear them from students and practitioners in tutorials and classes. And I decided I would do something about it.

Reading, asking myself questions, responding to client questions with “wow, that’s a good question and I’ll see if I can find a good answer”—all these have helped me gain valuable insights into how our bodyminds respond to the presence, touch and movement that we Trager Practitioners provide for our clients.

I love sharing what I learned, and what I am still investigating. And I’d love for you to add your curiosity, your enthusiasm, and your voice to the conversation. Here’s the link to get you started.

I look forward to seeing you online soon. The theme for December is PLEASURE.