November 2020

President's Message - November 2020

2021 is just around the corner and I think we will all feel good about starting a new year with new hopes and dreams. I have been looking at 2020 as ‘different’. Even though I am bombarded with the phrases, “in these uncertain times”, or “in these difficult times”, and so on, I still chose to think in terms of ‘different’. Not to say that I have not felt uncertain, or that it has not been difficult, but I refuse to…

Presencing Issue 56: Touching Pain II

The Buddha discovered the there are two factors that are the primary sources for suffering; attraction and aversion. We make such a close connection between pain and suffering that, when our body gives us unusual pain signals or discomforts, our first reaction is fear: What does this mean? Is it something really bad? Where did it come from? Who caused it? We automatically assume that we have…

Using the Trager® Approach to Reduce the Impact of Foot Drop: Case Report

This case report illustrates how a person with a complex series of injuries and surgeries can regain a capacity of hope and healing utilizing the Trager® Approach. The client presents with a Foot Drop on the right side, severe chronic pain and hopelessness, and a desire and willingness to feel better. He survived a forty-foot fall from a tree, twenty years ago, and has lived with extensive repair to his spine. He has been living with pain from the limited mobility of…