President's Message - November 2020


Hello everyone,

2021 is just around the corner and I think we will all feel good about starting a new year with new hopes and dreams. I have been looking at 2020 as ‘different’. Even though I am bombarded with the phrases, “in these uncertain times”, or “in these difficult times”, and so on, I still chose to think in terms of ‘different’. Not to say that I have not felt uncertain, or that it has not been difficult, but I refuse to be led down the path of doom and gloom. We all have learned so much about ourselves, about our own community, and how to live and deal with this virus. I also want to  mention how much the medical community has learned about this virus and how so much has changed since March.

We were all thrown into the world of online connections and we have developed a deeper sense of community from it. It will never offer the sweetness of in person meetings, but the online gatherings have opened our boundaries. That part has been incredible!

We all want to expand our reach far beyond our own borders. People want to know about this joyous work! In our community, we all know how beneficial this is and how it can greatly improve one’s quality of life! One way is to be more active on social media platforms. The Trager for Daily Life team has been putting together some beautiful posts on Facebook, I hope that you have been seeing them! I want to make sure every single person who reads this is sharing those posts! If you have a business page, add them there so your clients can benefit. Then share that post from your business and post it to your personal page! You can also share a post directly from The Trager Approach, United States Trager Association or The Trager for Daily Life Facebook pages. The more we ‘like’ a post the better. But when we comment on a post, that's even better than a ‘like’. So comment and share all you can. Please encourage your friends and family to do the same.

Do your own posts! Did you know that you can share an article right from the Trager Website? Some articles have a share option, but mostly you can copy and paste right into your own Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin newsfeed.  Everyone is online now and we can utilize this way of connecting. All this attention will help to energize all the wonderful offerings that will happen in 2021. How about the first online Introductory class? Yup, it’s going to start in January! We are also already planning many other fabulous classes for you, so make sure to open and carefully read all of the emails from USTA. You don’t want to miss one single thing! I make sure to check my ‘Promotions’ section in my gmail account a couple times a week since many emails go there.

So for now, share, like, comment, chat, take videos, post and let's fill social media with lovely trager information!

Blessings to you and your families, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Linda MacConnell

USTA President