In Memory of Byron Spice


I first met Byron Spice when I attended the first official USTA board meeting in Seattle, at Bastyr College, in 1999. I was invited to stay at Jack Blackburn's home with Kathryn and Byron for the duration of the meetings.  Byron was a practitioner at that time, and was present in many ways, learning and growing with all of us, yet his past experience was immense regarding boards and service with non-profit organizations. I remember he had spent many years in Mexico with the Universalist Unitarian church, as a Pastor, and created a community service organization based on his faith mission work.  Kathryn and he were so personable, and as I was a brand-new practitioner., I appreciated being welcomed by new friends and the support I received from everyone, but from Bryron in particular.  I was a guest, and had no intention of volunteering for the board, I just wanted to be in the soup of The Trager Approach, and soak it up!  This first meeting called together many different persons, and elections were held at that meeting.

By the end of the meetings, Henry Bornstein was the president and Byron was the first USTA Representative to be named on the International Council of Trustees, soon to be realized in Hofbeiber, Germany, that year, or Italy the following year, I cannot remember the sequence (22 years ago!) I went to Hofbeiber and met the International community leaders along with many US instructors and practitioners.   As Byron and I both had free time in Hofbeiber, we spent time exploring the local forest, dark with canopy in full daylight, sharing our lives, and how we got to that place in time.  We visited a local castle, looking down on the meticulous lines of a pristine courtyard garden, and remember long walks in the countryside with him.  His wisdom and encouragement toward me ever present. I was lucky to repeat that many times in other locations with Byron.

It must have been the following year, in 2000, at Mergozzo, Italy, when the papers were signed by the new Trager International Council of Trustees, Byron being both the Representative of the newly formed USTA and the elected president of the first council.  We celebrated and grew together as a group.  Byron and I shared many discussions about the direction of the new association and the USTA role.  He was instrumental in guiding us toward Milton's vision: "Peace in the world, one person as a time". .  The gatherings for the next several years were held in Mergozzo, and in 2001 after the twin towers fell, we all huddled together to wait out the halt of air travel until we could get home.  You can imagine the closeness we all felt, and Milton's vision felt needed more than ever before.

Byron and Kathryn remained dear throughout my Trager career, and at every conference or educational meeting I was fortunate to continue to learn with Byron.  He mentored me as I became a board member, and the time we shared was priceless.  He helped me sort through emotions, learn the ropes of group process, and remained a kind and caring friend for many years. I enjoyed being with him at the educational conference last fall, and we picked up right where we had left off!   He is lovingly remembered by me and so many in our community.  Now he with us in spirit, a light being, a shooting star, a welcome place to visit in our hearts as we remember him.  Thank you, Bryon. I have so many happy memories of you and wish you happy trails!

Judy Fasone, Trager® Practitioner