NORCAT Annual Retreat

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NORCAT held its annual retreat for members on the Northern California coast at Sea Ranch.  We invited all members of NORCAT, SOCAHANE and NWTA.  Joining us for the four-day retreat were eight NORCAT members and two SOCAHANE members from Hawaii.  We rented two adjacent houses so we could all have a place to sleep and room for Mentastics and tablework. One house was the result of a trade that Terri McIntyre does with the owner – Terri generously donated the result of 12 sessions to get us the house for 4 days. 

We charged $100 per person to partially cover the cost of the second house, with the remainder being paid with NORCAT funds.  Our Board members also cooked the dinners for the group and donated the cost of the food that was provided. Breakfasts and lunches were potluck.

The setting was spectacular – a beautiful house in a conifer forest overlooking the Pacific ocean. Gae Henry and Henry Bornstein donated a 16-hour Mentastics class at no charge in their capacity as Mentastics Teachers. I think it is safe to say that a lot of growth took place during the four days!

It was a beautiful event and it is wonderful to have these memories to look back upon as we are evidently entering a time of relative physical isolation.

Stay well and stay safe.

Henry Bornstein, Treasurer

Northern California Trager® Association (NORCAT)