Lymphatic Awareness

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A Trager® Perspective

I am delighted with the opportunity to offer a unique 1-day Trager workshop titled ‘Lymphatic Awareness, A Trager Perspective’ on September 10, 2020 at the Nazareth Retreat Center in Nazareth, Kentucky. This workshop precedes Gail Stewart’s 3-day elective ‘Seeing the Body’ (9/11-13/20).

The impetus for this workshop and vision to develop this into a 3-day elective has emerged from 18 years as a ‘certified’ Dr. Vodder Therapist in manual lymph drainage (the original method), my extensive experience in working with lymphedema, lipedema, mixed and complex edemas and multitude of lesser pathologies, voiced interest from my Trager colleagues, and perhaps most of all my passion to share how Trager touch, movement and intention can positively impact congestive challenges that stem from many areas.

I will illustrate a basic physiology and understanding of the lymph system. This information is helpful when we move or touch with the intention to promote support, connection and flow to the lymph highways. The lymph system is well integrated, yet carries its work out only to the degree that it can, that is to say according to the ‘present conditions’, the influences of history, unresolved or incomplete healings, state of mind and un-met potential level of relaxation. All of these lend an equal hand toward improving lymph function and its highly mutually dependent relationship with the circulatory system and with the mindbody.

Manual Lymph Drainage or MLD has risen as a very popular go-to modality in the last decade. Like other things in mainstream social media, MLD is claimed to cure all sorts of incurable conditions. In my experience it is often that the underlying missing piece is the deeper connection to self.  Here is where the principles of Trager can educate and empower the client’s lymph awareness and over all wellness.

All the teachings in this workshop will be from the Trager table and Mentastics repertoire, accompanied with a ‘lymph radar’ to best address areas that are frequently tension-bound and consequently impede optimal lymphatic flow and function.

Participants in this workshop will be encouraged to receive tablework partially clothed and comfortably draped to best impart a meaningful touch dialogue with the skin’s superficial lymphatics.

My intention is to share and explore in our approach with Trager how to converse with sensing touch and freeing/connecting movement a more inclusive integration with the lymphatic’s vast and intriguing network.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Roger Hughes, Trager Instructor