Level V Training with Bill and Gabriela Scholl in Mexico

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Trager in the Tropics!

Puerto Morelos, Mexico

A group of nine Trager Practitioners from the US and Canada recently landed on the Caribbean coast of Mexico for a Level 5 class, taught by Bill and Gabriela Scholl. Many, many thanks to Martina St.Amand for dreaming this class and doing everything necessary to assure it happened!

The theme of the class was “Exploring the Balance between Touching and Feeling.”   We played with exploring Trager through greater ease, finding and feeling the weight of our elbows (and our feet on the floor), using our hands simply as ‘ears listening’ among other treasured themes. We also benefited from many stories about Milton and Bill and Gabriela’s insights gleaned from decades of Trager. As Bill said, paraphrasing, ‘If after all this time I’d reached the end, I’d be doing something else by now. But it hasn’t happened. Every session is a deepening exploration! Every client teaches me something new.’ When the next opportunity to study and play in Puerto Morelos comes, in November, 2020, why don’t you join us?

Joseph Rodin, Trager Practitioner and USTA Immediate Past President

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