NEW! Gary Brownlee Videos

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We’re excited to release never-before-seen footage of Gary Brownlee working with Parkinson’s (thank you, Gwen Crowell!). More of this footage will be coming over the next few months along with his demonstrations of various moves. Gary’s videos are available to USTA members in the Members Only Section of the website. USTA Executive Director Renae Davies will be sending an email to all current USTA members with the password on how to access these videos, so look for this email soon!

Gary became a practitioner, a close student of Milton, and then instructor in the Trager Approach starting in 1980. He taught for thirty years, leaving a lasting legacy in Trager. He was known for his knowledge, integrity, clear teaching style, warmth and light touch in this healing work. His approach can be further explored in the Trager DVD of his work.

Joseph Rodin, Trager Practitioner and USTA Immediate Past President