President's Message - April 2020


Still pausing…

Well everyone, we are still here...pausing. How are you doing in this physical separation? I hope you are finding ways to stay connected, whatever that means for you. 

The Trager community is made up of a special kind of people. I am so grateful for everyone, from the masters who have known and practiced the principles for many many years, the new practitioners, the students, the ones who have a glimmer of interest and also for those who don’t even know about our work! We are a kind, thoughtful, and fierce bunch of people.

The world can really use Trager Practitioners right now! We have the tools and experience to play in the realm of the unknown and genuinely help others to calm their nervous systems, ease their minds, find a new awareness of themselves, and that will ultimately benefit them through this long pause by developing their Kinesthetic Intelligence. Self-love and compassion starts with us, because as Dr. Milton Trager had said… “we can only give what we have.”

As you start to see more and more snippets of videos of ways to manage stress with movement, gentle movements to keep your spirits up, or specific ones for relieving pain for those sewing face masks, led by our community on social media, please keep in mind that this is only the beginning. Think of all the people putting aside their own care to help others right now. Some need the Trager Approach now, but others will really need it once this virus calms down and they have the time to slow down.

Please share these videos in every group that you belong to, on your own pages, and with your friends and wherever else you can online in social media venues.

Look out world, because here we come!

All my love and blessings to you, 

Linda MacConnell, USTA President