President's Message - December 2020


Hello everyone,

I wish you and your families the best Holiday Season! 2021 is just around the corner. We certainly have had a year of challenges this year. I don’t want to look ahead until I have thoroughly stated my gratitude for all the amazing happenings of 2020.

2020 will go down as the year that the Trager community learned how to Zoom and start to make a presence on the internet. I want to thank everyone who has pushed their comfort zone and offered Mentastics for the Friday gatherings. We started out thinking these were a way to get us to connect a few times at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. Little did we know that it was a way for people to not only connect, but to learn, grow and flourish! It has turned out to be a fantastic way to learn from each other! Cheers to all those who led, organized and hosted these Friday meetings.

I also want to thank all the Instructors for creating classes for this new online structure. Many hours were put into the very thoughtful planning. They were all extremely considerate of offering you their best, and I have been so happy with the outcomes.

I know I can speak for all of you in thanking Renae and Hunter for their professionalism and extreme patience in all of our learning curves around the zoom events. They both have gone above and beyond with their time and I can wholeheartedly say that I don’t know where the United States Trager Association would be today without them. 

Lastly, cheers need to go to Fernando, the volunteers on the Board and the Foundation, and to all of you.  You all have added a great amount of enthusiasm and passion as you continue to attend all kinds of these events. We would not be this much stronger without you. Thank you for loving and believing in what Milton discovered and so deeply wanted to share. I say we leave 2020 with this statement in mind….

“I’m thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strengths.” - Unknown

Linda MacConnell

USTA President