2021 USTA Dues Renewals


Dear USTA Practitioner Members

I will be sending an email to all current and lapsed USTA Practitoners, Senior Practitioners, Retired Practitioners, and Associate Members in early January with instructions on how to easily renew your membership for the 2021 year online.

Please know that we will no longer be accepting dues payments prior to the start of the fiscal year for which you are paying. In past years, I understand you were able to pay for your next year’s membership dues in November or December, however, based on advice we have received from our Accountant, we will no longer be accepting dues payments until after January 1 each year.

You will have until February 28, 2021 to renew your membership dues without any penalty. For anyone who pays after this date, you will incur a $50 late fee in addition to your dues amount.

Please look to receive this email with step-by-step instructions by January 11th!


Renae Davies, USTA Executive Director