President's Message - February 2020


We’ve been getting some teasers of spring here in New England, in February!  I thought of the importance of what we focus on and how what we focus on grows. I’ve been looking for the signs of spring buds and I have been finding them!

….How would I like to feel...I ask myself. Lighter…more hopeful, energetic and happy…like Spring! If you look, you will find it, and what you focus on will grow!

I invite you to notice the wonderful growth that Trager is seeing lately, and the intentional groundwork behind it, such as creating and laying out the full schedule of training courses in advance so potential students can see the finish line of certification within 12-24 months. Classes are proliferating. Roger Hughes just taught a successful Level 1, his first as a solo instructor (yeah Roger!), and other classes are blossoming around the country.

There’s our new and updated website presence, the beautifully presented monthly Trager Talk e-newsletters, new updated videos of Gary Brownlee, the newly live TI website (take a look!), the dedication of those who are passionate about this approach and work extremely hard in myriad ways to share its profound healing potential, and there are many more reasons not mentioned here for the surge of energy felt within the organization.

For myself, I just rejuvenated my Trager storehouse assisting Roger Tolle’s recent Mentastics class, and am excited about an upcoming Level 1 and the success of recent Intro Classes we’ve done in Massachusetts.

I’m sure we would all love to hear about what’s happening in your area. If you have a photo from a class, or a story about a session or a tutorial that moved you in a positive way, please email it to Renae so that she can add it to the next month’s Trager Talk e-newsletter. When we share the energy, it can only grow even more. I hope you enjoy the stories and inspirations in this issue.

Linda MacConnell, USTA President