We learned our somatic work in direct hand-to-body contact through the lineage of our mentors. We transformed our minds and bodies over the years with this work. And in-person Somatic Movement Therapy, the Mentastics we integrate into Trager sessions has been a powerful agent of change for many clients, increasing the flow of their naturally wise somatic self-regulation. Motivated by the pandemic, we wanted to explore how somatic wisdom can be transmitted in online client sessions.
In this 5-segment online course, we’ll focus on key elements of Trager and other Somatic Movement Therapies that can be effectively applied to working with clients in an online environment. Segments include:
Protocol: Simple structuring for online sessions
Presence: Deepening embodied, sensory comfort and ease
Self-touch: Modeling, guiding, and finding evocative language
Movement: Uncovering what is possible, teaching principles of natural ease
Recall: Embedding a feeling experience in the unconscious mind
In each 2-hour segment you will be guided to:
Describe and model important aspects of Somatic Movement Therapy
Discover and learn to lead from your already established strengths
Tease out insecurities that hold you back
Work together to transfer your in-person skills to this online environment.
Build confidence with new online skills through practice in breakout sessions.
Single segments not available separately; all segments recorded for later review; handouts provided each week in advance.
CLICK HERE to watch a short tutorial on what will be discussed in this class!
INSTRUCTORS: Roger Tolle and Roger Hughes
DAY 1: Wednesday, November 11, 2020
DAY 2: Wednesday, November 18, 2020
DAY 3: Wednesday, November 25, 2020
DAY 4: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
DAY 5: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
TIME: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) / 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
COST: $125 per person for the 5-segment online series
CEU CREDITS PROVIDED: Participants attending this 5-Part Series will receive NCBTMB CEU credits for 10 hours