Tragerolgy Monthly Offerings

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Written by: Eileen Dickinson

As I research the science behind Trager principles and practices, I am continually amazed at how far ahead of his time Milton was!  So much of what he intuited is backed by science.

The topic for January is RECALL. We’ll review the underlying science, talk about the importance of recall, and learn ways to enhance recall for yourself and your clients. We practice what we learn in small groups, and information is able to seep in deeply as we share Menatstics around the theme each month.

For those who enjoy challenging themselves with applying what they learn, HomePlay suggestions are available. And for participants who want to broaden and deepen with reading and watching short videos, there is a list of resources provided each month.

You can check out the monthly offerings at

We have a continuous learning community for those who choose the Tragerology membership option, and there are a few people who sign up for one or two single offerings. Once you become a member you have access to all the previous content to explore at your leisure.

Feel free to contact me with questions about the membership. I’d love to hear from you.
