The Trager Foundation is a non-profit, 501c3 organization, created in 2008 by the USTA as the Non-profit fund-raising arm of the USTA. It operates under the guidance of it’s Board of Directors. Mission of the Foundation is to support the work of Trager Practitioners by Providing educational scholarships, and to educate the public about…
Jack Blackburn's Article on Oncology Massage Healing Summit
I have had the good fortune to give treatments and trainings in two different palliative care facilities in Japan. I have taught the staff how to work with presence and touch with dying patients as well as working with presence in support of one another. The biggest change for both patients and staff is the diminishment of fear. In both situations the receiver is interacting proprioceptively with the practitioner and becoming aware of…
Learning to Breathe
President's Message - August 2020
Letter from the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America: 2020 Annual Conference
The Trager Approach: An Effective Tool for Physical Therapy
Shaman of the Secoya-Siekopai People Express Gratitude
As you may recall, I have been working to develop a non-profit with my good friend Cecilia Von Holck for the past 3 years, called Friend of SELVA Vida Sin Fronteras. This is from our website: We are Friends of SELVA Vida Sin Fronteras-U.S.A. a not-for-profit formed on March 1, 2019 in the State of Texas and qualifies as tax-exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Our organization is focused on…
Trager International NAC Meeting Recording
Changes within Trager Switzerland
We want to offer some thoughts to you about what we have done within the Swiss Trager Verband (association) to make things work better and, above all, be easier and more inclusive for all of us. We began with one simple organizational idea: Our Swiss Trager organization has two functions. These are…