USTA Virtual Classes


To the Trager Community,

As you’ve seen, we’ve hit the ground running with an array of highly informative virtual classes from a group of talented, innovative, (and tremendous) instructors. Thanks to the instructors for your ingenuity, for everyone who’s attended and supported the offerings, and especially to our Zoom Queen, Linda McConnell, for hosting and our words-cannot-express team of Renae Davies and Fernando Rojas for facilitating everything behind the scenes.

Some offerings, like Mentastics, have been free, and we'll continue those kinds of offerings. Others are tuition-based and we will expand upon those. The broad category for most of these classes will be ‘Trager Basics and Beyond,’ which encompasses a range of classes created specifically for different sections of the population, from those with no bodywork or Trager experience, up to experienced professionals ready for more advanced material.

Moving into 2021, we’ll be broadening our outreach to include bodywork and movement professionals outside the Trager Community as well as anyone seeking tips on living and moving more mindfully. We’re excited to begin social media campaigns and other marketing efforts. We’ll also continue to offer Trager® Practitioner and/or Student only classes.

We are seeking classes from our broad community of instructors and practitioners on the following:

  1. Trager-based classes that highlight applications for movement and/or manual therapy professionals.

  2. Classes for Trager Practitioners and/or Trager Students only.

Courses are generally between 1-4 hours, standing alone or as a series, though other length classes are possible. 

Our general schedule will endeavor to be:

  • 1 free mindful movement/Mentastics class per week focused on community connection (with clients/colleagues also invited).

  • 1-2 classes per week for professional movement and manual therapists, including classes solely for the Trager community.

  • 1 weekend class per month, possibly a longer class, for professional movement and manual therapists, including classes solely for the Trager community.

Please send your proposals to Renae Davies at Onward!

Thank you so much.

(Current) Programming Group

Linda McConnell

Aleen Seidel

Roger Tolle

Joe Rodin