We have added several videos to the USTA website to help you with self-care during this difficult time, so be sure to check them out. And don’t forget to check out other videos from Trager Masters such as Deane Juhan, Roger Tolle, and Milton Trager himself.
Rooftop Mentastics
Upcoming Bodywork and Movement Events
US Foundation for Trager Education and Research - April 2020 Update
The Trager Foundation Board members are preparing for the day when all of us can again open our offices and our practices to the general public. Although that reality may look different from what we have known, and we may have to wear masks and follow new cleaning protocols between clients, we know to ask the question, ‘Well…
Unemployment Benefits and Grants Under CARES Act
The Art of Pausing
Between the stop of a few seconds at the red light and the one of a few months during a global pandemic, life is sprinkled with mandatory halts. Learn some tips to practice the art of pausing and to soften impatience in a video presented by Trager Québec Practitioner, Tutor and Instructor Amrita Daigle.