USTA Virtual Classes - September 2020

As you’ve seen, we’ve hit the ground running with an array of highly informative virtual classes from a group of talented, innovative, (and tremendous) instructors. Thanks to the instructors for your ingenuity, for everyone who’s attended and supported the offerings, and especially to our Zoom Queen, Linda McConnell, for hosting and our words-cannot-express team of Renae Davies and Fernando Rojas for facilitating everything behind the scenes…

Welcome to ISMETA!

On Monday, August 10, Aleen Seidel and I attended our first meeting with ISMETA, the International Somatic Movement Educators and Therapists Association. Through Zoom, we shared a lively and welcoming conversation with leaders of the rest of ISMETA’s Affiliated Professional Organizations. The USTA recently joined ISMETA to become…

USTA Virtual Classes

As you’ve seen, we’ve hit the ground running with an array of highly informative virtual classes from a group of talented, innovative, (and tremendous) instructors. Thanks to the instructors for your ingenuity, for everyone who’s attended and supported the offerings, and especially to our Zoom Queen, Linda McConnell, for hosting and our words-cannot-express team of Renae Davies and Fernando Rojas for facilitating everything behind the scenes…