We presume that a major role of care givers is to eliminate or reduce pain. We have different categories of pain; physical, psychological, emotional, outside source (i.e. sting, bite, communicable disease, other human), inside source (age-related, noncommunicable diseases, genetic disorders, stress related, belief-related), chronic, and acute. Most clients…
Using the Trager® Approach to Reduce the Impact of Foot Drop: Case Report
This case report illustrates how a person with a complex series of injuries and surgeries can regain a capacity of hope and healing utilizing the Trager® Approach. The client presents with a Foot Drop on the right side, severe chronic pain and hopelessness, and a desire and willingness to feel better. He survived a forty-foot fall from a tree, twenty years ago, and has lived with extensive repair to his spine. He has been living with pain from the limited mobility of…
Uplifting Poetry by Donna Hood, LMT - November 2020
Roger Tolle's and Roger Hughes' Somatic Movement Therapy Moves Online Series
We learned our somatic work in direct hand-to-body contact through the lineage of our mentors. We transformed our minds and bodies over the years with this work. And in-person Somatic Movement Therapy, the Mentastics we integrate into Trager sessions has been a powerful agent of change for many clients, increasing the flow of their naturally wise somatic self-regulation. Motivated by the pandemic, we wanted to explore how…
US Foundation for Trager Education and Research - October 2020 Update
We would like to introduce you to the Trager Foundation. Our current mission is to bring research and educational applications to new populations. At our last Board meeting, in October, new officers were elected, and with them came a fresh wave of dedication for expanding outreach. As the future becomes envisioned we are aware that…
Practicing Trager in the Time of Covid-19
Proposals for ISMETA Conference
Uplifting Poetry by Donna Hood, LMT - October 2020
Tragerology, a Continuous Online Learning Community
Tragerology, a continuous online learning community, is a new and exciting offering for the Trager community. Each month there is a new module/topic for exploring the bridge between science and Trager. If you haven’t yet visited https://tragerology.com please do, and see what your colleagues are already experiencing…
President's Message - October 2020
Have you started practicing again? What is happening in your state? Here in Massachusetts, I have been able to see clients since August. It has been slow going, but I am ok with that to some extent. Both my mother and my mother-in-law have had significant medical challenges in September and October. Two of my teenagers are…