President's Message - November 2020

2021 is just around the corner and I think we will all feel good about starting a new year with new hopes and dreams. I have been looking at 2020 as ‘different’. Even though I am bombarded with the phrases, “in these uncertain times”, or “in these difficult times”, and so on, I still chose to think in terms of ‘different’. Not to say that I have not felt uncertain, or that it has not been difficult, but I refuse to…

USTA Virtual Classes

As you’ve seen, we’ve hit the ground running with an array of highly informative virtual classes from a group of talented, innovative, (and tremendous) instructors. Thanks to the instructors for your ingenuity, for everyone who’s attended and supported the offerings, and especially to our Zoom Queen, Linda McConnell, for hosting and our words-cannot-express team of Renae Davies and Fernando Rojas for facilitating everything behind the scenes…

Presencing Issue 56: Touching Pain II

The Buddha discovered the there are two factors that are the primary sources for suffering; attraction and aversion. We make such a close connection between pain and suffering that, when our body gives us unusual pain signals or discomforts, our first reaction is fear: What does this mean? Is it something really bad? Where did it come from? Who caused it? We automatically assume that we have…